Parasitic wasps lay their eggs directly into the eggs of various host insects in exactly the right numbers for any suitable size of host egg.If they laid too many eggs in a host egg, the developing wasp larvae would compete with each other to the death for nutrients and space.If too few eggs were laid, portions of the host egg would decay, killing the wasp larvae.
Which of the following conclusions can properly be drawn from the information above?
问题:提问陆旭老师:这是Prep的一题,答案给了A。我选的是C,但我自己也没觉得C有多好。我在做这题的时候,感觉这些选项如果作为conclusion都好牵强。老师能不能讲一下对这题的看法。为什么这里A比C好。A说的确实没错,但我觉得C说的也没错啊,反而C感觉更全面一些。 查看答疑
问题:归纳题,上课听英老师讲说这种题不能有演绎成分,就试着找了个演绎成分最小的,结果错选了D 查看答疑
