in January 1994 an oil barge ran aground off the coast of San Juan, Puerto Rico, leaking its cargo of 750000 gallons into the ocean, while causing the pollution of the city's beaches.
问题:c中and 后面的 leaked into 是状语部分的动词还是谓语的动词?谓语不应该用was leaked 吗? and后状语能跟主句并列? 查看答疑
问题:金老师,语法课上说causing的发出者是主语,老师这里我有点不明白,现在分词在句首时,现在分词的动作发出者应该找主句的主语,类似此题这种情况,现在分词不在句首,在逗号后面,它的主语也应该是主句的主语吗 查看答疑
问题:A选项,录音上说泄露的发起者不能是船,还说船怎么能泄漏油?感觉不是很理解 查看答疑
问题:C中的污染不知道是and前的还是and后的,意思不清楚,虽然it有点重复,但意思比较清楚 查看答疑
问题:我选的B,选的时候对c中的polluting的发起者存在疑问,polluting前免加逗号或者不加对polluting的发起者有影响吗?会不会让人觉得polluting的发起者是ocean啊? 查看答疑
问题:836考题如下:The current economic downturn (has significantly reduced advertising income both for business journals as well as general consumer magazines, especially if focusing)on technology. A.has significantly reduced advertising income both for business journals as well as general consumer magazines, especially if focusing B.has significantly reduced advertising income both for business journals and for general consumer magazines, especially those focusing C.significantly reduced advertising income for both business journals and for general consumer magazines, especially when focused D.reduced both business journals' and general consumer magazines' advertising income significantly, especially if focused E.reduced advertising income significantly for both business journals, as well as for general consumer magazines, especially those focusing 836题选B,听录音讲解时老师说看到focus就想是谁说的于是用those,而715题E选项不可以看到pollute就想谁污染的吗?为何不能选E 查看答疑
